Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Begenning To Look Like Danger!

So I wake up this morning and look outside and it has snowed a ton. I mean it is giving Central Indiana a run for its money. I'm thinking there is no way that school will be in session since this part of Japan never hardly gets this kind of heavy snow and that the students go by bike to school and a few walk that live close. So I call my lead teacher and just check with her to make sure....well she said `The vice principal & principal said we are going to have school.' I was floored and a pissed off. It is SUPER dangerous to drive on these roads here in this area of Japan. Because there are no such thing as salt trucks and main roads here. There are only tiny little streets. There are NO `main roads` unless you take the highway which costs mega bucks. My teacher said that the vp told her `be careful and take the major roads...` lol What the crap is he talking about. This just boils down to macho guys thinking they can be tough because that is what Japanese men are all about. Being tough and making everyone follow their choices. It puts all of us in danger and these poor kids even more so. Can you imagine riding a bike in 5+ inches of snow while it is still falling at 7 a.m. It is beyond absurd. So as I am driving I left my house at just little after 7:00 and it took me over an hour to get here. It usually takes about 20 minutes. As I am driving a fellow ALT calls me and says his wife has not seen this much snow since she was a child and that this is highly unusual....That just pisses me off even more. He has lived in this area for almost 10 years his wife is from here and when I get to school everyone is talking about how they have never hardly seen anything like this, but no one speaks up and says this is ultra gay that we are here and putting everyone at risk. They just nod to the vp & p and say 'Yes, there is a lot of snow out there` no one has a backbone. If I spoke better Japanese I would have told them what I thought. My classes are missing many of the students because at least some parents are smart and didn't want their children possibly hurt. Though most sent their kids to school. So here I am sitting at school wondering how I got here and now thinking how will I get home this evening. I just pray that God will wrap his arm around me and guide me home safely and that my fellow teachers and my wonderful students get home as well.

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