Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Let me start off by saying that most of if not all of you guys know that I'm a Conservative fellow. However, I am not a blind follower of any one party of idea. I like to think for myself and come up with my own opinions and not have Fox News or MSNBC tell me what or how to think. In saying all of that....Thank you, Massachusetts!!!! This was a big deal for people who are sick and tired of Obama just doing whatever he wants and not checking in with us. I'm not as I have said before a wordsmith and do not know every finite detail of the ins and outs of politics, but I do know that borrowing billions from China, bailing out Wall St, bailing out banks, bailing out car companies, slamming through a medical bill that know one including his own party understands onto us and more importantly our future generations, not addressing the illegal immigrant problem, not keeping us safe from possible terrorists attacks, etc not getting people back to work by creating jobs, keep giving people money for being lazy and just sitting around doing nothing on our dime, putting a Supreme Justice on the bench that is questionable at best, being the world's president and not Americas, etc.... is no kind of way to have your first year.

I vote both Democrat and Republican and have since 2000. I vote for who I feel will do the best job. I didn't vote, Obama, but had faith that he would listen to the people since that was his message. "Yes WE Can"!!!! DO you remember this? Now, it is "Yes I Can"!! He does not listen and has not since almost day one. He should have woken up to the fact months ago with Virgina and New Jersey both going Republican, but NOOOOOOOO!! He just kept on shoving his agenda down our throats. Now and only maybe he will back up and start getting back to what we really need. Yes, we need health care reform ,but there are much better ways of doing and starting with open and honest dialog would be nice for all sides to see. Getting people jobs and stop paying people to watch Jerry Springer and eat Milk Duds would also help. People will not help themselves if you give them free handouts and money. I know I use to work at Wal-Mart I see the people who get that money and assistance and it was just sad to know that I was supporting them being lazy. Now people say oh I can't find a job. I know this is true in many cases, but you know what folks working at White Castles is not any ones dream job, but it pays the bills and you can hold your head up high knowing that you work and make a living instead of being a leech. Don't get me wrong folks people who are let go from their place of employment deserve any and all help they can get. People who just want US to take care of them I have no use for. Obama is breeding people like the latter. I remember seeing a news story right after Obama one and they interviewed some women and these women actually said they don't have to work now because Obama was president.....I kid you not! Sad thing is it looks to be true. If you keep making people hopeless and dependant on others like Obama is doing then you will have a government that will control all aspects of your life because that is what they want. Because they have been conditioned to ask and assume that this is what the government is there for not to hold your hand, but to carry you the entire way.

I like Obama and I don't want to see the chap fail I really don't. Because if he fails we fail. That is not a good scenario at all. I just want him to wake up and smell what the American people are cooking!!!!

This message was brought to you all by, Jason and was NOT sponsored by any one political party... ;)

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